Sunday, June 15, 2008

One More Time .. .

The lovely "Ladies' Table" at the Stricklen's anniversary party. It may seem funny to have the men and ladies split up, but Molly and the girls didn't know how to organize the seating so that those not at the "guests of honor" table didn't feel slighted. So this was their solution. And it went very well. There was plenty of interaction after the meal, so couples didn't spend a lot of time apart! The girls did a wonderful job of setting beautiful tables (please ignore that folding chair right in the forefront of this picture -- it was a beautiful setting!)

The "Men's Table" -- vintage linens and eclectic dishes made a pleasant setting.

The sweet father of my children and patriarch of our family indulges me with a fresh flower. Happy Fathers' Day, Danny!

The precious Pittman children blessed us today with their enthusiastic singing to the glory of God! "Here Am I, Lord, Send Me!"

Asking your indulgence and patience with my pityful blogging talents! Just take what comes up and enjoy the thrill and challenge of trying to put it in some sort of cohesive order!

What I meant by "Two Special Days" was 1) Chris and Molly's anniversary and 2) Father's Day. We had a wonderful time cooking out after church with the dads and fellowshipping with our home church and family. The older children took some of the younger ones to the woods and picked wild blackberries again. Then Abby and Markie made a delightful berry crisp to top off the hamburgers and hot dogs. Our visiting missionaries, the Pittmans, gave us a stirring report on Malaysia and their vision for serving God in this Muslim land. Fellowship with God's people over a good meal together, after worship, is a wonderful way to round out the Lord's day and be refreshed for a new week.


Unknown said...

Yes, those were 2 special days. The girls did such a wonderful job hosting the elegant dinner party and serving. I have not ever had such good service!!!

My day with my Daddy was fun even though he DID beat me at Rook!

Eddie said he enjoyed his Father's Day so much. It is not often he gets to do ...nothing! He even came home and played "Settlers of Catan". A truly loving act on the part of a Father let me tell you ;)He enjoyed it though!

Marylou said...

I enjoyed catching up pn your lovely little family! I just love your pictures! Hopefully I will soon get a camera to be able to upload my own pictures on my blogs. May God bless you this weekend and in the following week as well. I am sooooo excited to go get my little girl tomorrow! Maybe you can look for land here! If you want virgin land, there is a lot of that in this county, and prices are great! There are also a lot of established properties too. One big house on the road to our place.

Safe Thus Far said...

What a dear, dear picture of you and your husband with the flower. So precious!
