Friday, June 27, 2008

. . . another milestone . . .

Oh, my, what a milestone! Oldest granddaughter, Kitty, graduated from high school this past Sunday afternoon -- and we were blessed to host the event at our home. She requested a simple ceremony, and it is just as well! If you know our family, you know events like this are just asking for nostalgic tears and sighs. This time was no exception! Two of Kitty's sisters, Sarah and Grace, brother Peter, and cousins Callie and Mary graced the occasion with a stately all-string rendition of Vaughn's "For All the Saints". It was quite grand -- Peter even bowed the upright bass (as opposed to the usual bluegrass plucked bass).

Kitty's father expressed his joy and pride in her hard work and character growth, and he acknowledged her sweet spirit and compassion. Then Kitty took a short moment to thank her parents and others who have guided her along these years. She thanked the Lord for His hand upon her, taking her through the hard subjects and helping her to polish her gifts in her more favorable subjects, such as writing and history.

Her granddaddy spoke of his gratitude to her parents for "touching her palate" (Proverbs 22:6) with excellent things and carefully shepherding her to become the wonderful, God-honoring young woman she is today. Then he presented the diploma to her, and the festivities began. Family and friends shared in a lovely luncheon reception, with much joy and fellowship all around.

Her mother, Beth, had produced a memory DVD, which played in a loop in the family room and brought many "Oh, remember when . . .??" comments. It was played to the accompaniment of the Country Cousins music, which made it all the more poignant. Here is a picture which, to me, epitomizes Kitty's personality and spirit: spunky . . . full of life . . . curious . . . compassionate and protective of her family . . . Kitty, where did the years go? We love and and are so proud of you. We can hardly wait to see where the Lord leads you next! What a wonderful life ahead! God bless you, Sweetheart!

Kitty (in blue) with her mama and sisters Sarah (in pink) and Baby Gracie.


Sarah said...

Hello Grandmama!!
It was a wonderful day, and I am so proud of Kit!!:)
I always love the way you write about the special occasions in our lives. a glimpse into our Grandmother's heart...
Love Always,

Kelly said...

What a wonderful day! We were so happy we could share in this special occasion.


The Miller Family said...

What a beautiful day it must have been! I'll have to live vicariously through the internet. That picture of Kitty at the end of the post is such a perfect example of who little Kitty was...confident, assured and FULL of life!

The Stricklen Family said...

Where has all the time gone? That was a beautiful day! We are all so proud of Kitty and thankful for you, Mama, for all you do for our children :)

I love you!