Friday, September 11, 2009

Arkasouri Part 4: New Friends, "Old" Fellowship

During the two weeks we were in Arkasouri, we were blessed to meet new friends and renew old friendships. One family we had been looking forward to meeting was the Niednagels. The Dischers had come to know them through the Thomases of Massachusetts, whom we met at the Jamestown 400 celebration in 2007. Melissa Thomas married Jordan Niednagel in 2008, and we were excited to find that they live less than an hour from the Missouri property on a property shared by the extended Niednagel family.

One Friday evening, we all took off to a Bible study held in the home of the Jeremy Niednagels. What a blessing to find new friends and share in the old, old fellowship of the Word! We studied in the book of Acts and sang beautiful old hymns a capella together. Above is the home built by Jeremy for his family. It is beautifully constructed of wood, some of it from their property and some from local sources. It is a wonderfully welcoming home, and we enjoyed the time at the home of Jeremy and Danielle.

After the Bible study, we went a little further into the woods to Jordan and Melissa's beautiful new home. It is open and "wood" also, though not quite as rustic in style as Jeremy and Danielle's. We had a good time of getting to know them a little better and touring their home.

Kitty and Sarah talking with Melissa, as Sarah enjoys little William Niednagel resting on her shoulder. The open kitchen is lovely.

Here Jordan is vigorously explaining something to Beth and Eddie. Probably about the intricacies of building a large house on a secluded property!

Danny, Eddie, Beth, and baby Paul do the Canadian thing and leave shoes at the door. The beautiful hardwood floors last longer that way! I was admiring the built-in bookcases in the background.
Jason and Ashley made it up for a little while (Jason had worked very late) and got to know their "neighbors". It is a wonder to me how God brings His people together in the most unexpected places!
My camera was befuddling me that night, so I didn't get many good pictures. We did get to meet another family at the Bible study who turned out to be related to another family we were scheduled to meet on the following Monday! We found, about a half-hour away, a family who produces and sells raw milk and free range eggs! What providential provision!
Continuing on soon . . .


The Miller Family said...

Looks like y'all had a great visit, meeting new friends and neighbors.


The Stricklen Family said...

What a nice visit with what seem to be some great people!
Their houses were beautiful!


The Dischers said...

That was such a sweet time! Thanks for posting it. We look forward to getting to know the entire Neidnagel family better.
