It is a wonderful "resort" or hunting lodge hidden in a hollow on a beautiful creek. It is the home of an old grist mill that has been restored, and a wonderful restaurant whose premier dish is rainbow trout caught there on the property.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Arkasouri Trip Part 6: Rockbridge It is a wonderful "resort" or hunting lodge hidden in a hollow on a beautiful creek. It is the home of an old grist mill that has been restored, and a wonderful restaurant whose premier dish is rainbow trout caught there on the property.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Arkasouri Trip Part 5: Ahhh, Millerland!
Settling in for some ladies' fellowship in the "kitchen" cabin. What a good time getting caught up and setting the example for the young ladies: cooking, serving, nursing babies, talking over things of God and families. I am blessed -- four generations were there, with my dear godly mother at the centerpiece of the conversation.
In our family, there is no such thing as "age segregation" when it comes to fellowship. Here older sister/cousin Sarah shares a laugh with sister Markie and cousins Andrew and Benny, while helping prepare dinner. (Caught you smiling, Andrew!)
Matthew handles the upright bass, while "Banjo Man" Peter plays . . . what else? Gracie on the right on the mandolin. I think the camera was not set for low light!! See, Sarah and Mary, I am
not being modest when I say I am NOT a photographer! Thank God for today's easy cameras!
Well, not being a good photographer, I forgot to take the camera to church, so I didn't get pictures of the dear folks there who have made the Millers a part of their "family". Thank the Lord for good solid teaching and the fellowship of believers.
Banjo Man found the premium spot -- in front of the A/C!
This is a great picture! Look long and hard, because it is rare! Eddie sings The Minstrel Boy along with Beth (the rarity is Eddie singing on "stage" -- Beth is an old hand at it). We found the lyrics on my phone online, so that excuse was gone. Actually, Eddie has a wonderful voice, he just doesn't think so! Thank you for blessing us, Ed!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Arkasouri Part 4: New Friends, "Old" Fellowship
One Friday evening, we all took off to a Bible study held in the home of the Jeremy Niednagels. What a blessing to find new friends and share in the old, old fellowship of the Word! We studied in the book of Acts and sang beautiful old hymns a capella together. Above is the home built by Jeremy for his family. It is beautifully constructed of wood, some of it from their property and some from local sources. It is a wonderfully welcoming home, and we enjoyed the time at the home of Jeremy and Danielle.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Rabbit Trail . . .
Now . . . in the future, if I make an honest mistake and your picture (or that of one of your children) does not appear in this space, I will not carry a twinge of guilt or even regret, not for even a moment. It will be a MISTAKE! Your mother is not perfect. Your mother is becoming aged. If you want to benevolently do my posts for me and include everyone on your "sweet facie" list, you may be my guest! Otherwise, this is it!!
Now, on to the rabbit trail. Today being Labor Day, dear sweet labor-addicted Danny decided it was time to . . . (drum roll) . . . (ominous music) . . . put some chickens in the freezer! He had plans for about 15 of the older ones, but Sarah Beth pleaded the cause of 6 hens. She wants to take them to the S. Elisabeth Home for Aging Hens and try to nurse them into better condition, hoping they will start laying with more regularity. So, we were down to 9 chickens whose fate was sealed. Some Dischers, some Stricklens, and one Amanda Sunshine came over early today to help do the deed.
Mary checks for any leftover pin feathers.
After the children went home, Danny (well, let's say after a nice nap!) got inspired by the word "Labor" in "Labor Day" and planted the raised bed on the kitchen patio.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Arkasouri Part 3: Sweet Facies
(Grandsons, please don't be upset with me! I still see you through Grandmother eyes! You will never "not" be a sweet facie to me!)
Well, our hearts were rewarded for the long miles of travel! It is so precious to see sweet facies and get to catch up on "life" after being apart so long. (Of course, it would have been perfect if the Stricklens could have been with us. Another time . . .) Thank you, Lord, for the wherewithal to visit loved ones who have moved away. More coming . . .