Sunday, October 19, 2008

"This is the Life!"

Chickens and dogs in tow, we watch bass jump and turtles find shelter. (Once again, I had only my cell phone camera, but wanted to catch these fuzzy memories.)
CJ, King of the ATV. He loved that "I can see everything from here" perch!
Minnows always fascinate. Markie, Margaret Anne, Abby, Rosie and CJ

Danny has been in Indiana for the wedding of a niece the last few days (coming home tomorrow, praise the Lord!), so each night I have had a team of sleepover buddies! The first night, a couple of Stricklens and Peter, shotgun man. Last night, all the big girls were here for a rowdy sleepover -- we had had two Country Cousins performances, and everyone was exhausted, but they managed to stay up through 3 of 4 "Mothers and Daughters" episodes! (I have been discreetly called aside and whispered to: "Umm . . . Grandmama, it's 'Wives and Daughters'. Thank you, Granddaughter.) Things got so rowdy, they fell right to sleep after devotions!

Tonight, it's the Little Cousins -- Abby, Markie, Margaret Anne, Rosie and CJ. (Peter is back again to keep the shotgun handy -- Grandmother would have a hard time sleeping without a weapon-savvy buddy.) Just before dark, I sent the children out one more time for some fresh air before settling in. Then I decided how good it would feel to go out with them and take in some nature.

We hopped on the Polaris Ranger (some nature, huh?) and went out into the pasture with the pond. It was the evening hour coming on -- that cherished time just before night. All of nature is settling in and preparing for good rest.

The pastured chickens were making their way unbidden to their roost. The crickets were just barely beginning their serenade. A bass was taking a last leap from the water, and turtles were heading for the reeds. The children watched minnows a few minutes, talked about water snakes, and then the last sliver of sun went down in the west. It was time to go inside.

As we climbed back into the Ranger and headed homeward, the wind blowing in our faces and dogs trotting along cheerfully, CJ proclaimed with exuberant satisfaction, "This is the LIFE!" I agree CJ. A grandmother couldn't ask for a more blessed end to a wonderful Lord's Day.

Trusting your Lord's Day was as blessed -- this is truly "the LIFE!"


The Dischers said...

Oh! What precious memories with their precious grandmother! They all love to stay over there.

CJ is right - this IS the life. We know not what the future holds, but thank God for each precious day of peace and prosperity He gives us! This weather is just invigorating -I love it!

Thanks for posting!


Kitty said...

That was a fun evening--even if we didn't get to FINISH Wives and Daughters! :) We'll have to watch that last one sometime.:)

And CJ's right--it's always "the life" when your with Gmama and/or Gdaddy! :) (Excluding Spanish and Latin lessons of course!!) ;)


The Stricklen Family said...

That was a fun evening,any evening withe grandmama(and grandaddy) is a fun time! I always enjoy staying with you. I appreciate all you do/have done for/with me!!!

Love Callie

Anonymous said...

We defintely miss it up there. Especially with the weather getting a bit cooler. It seems to get chilly up there sooner than down here. We miss you all!!! Savannah misses her cousins, g'mama and g'daddy, aunts and uncles and of course the animals and Spencer. Love you all.

The Miller Family said...

Awww, what a sweet post! Yes, Florida in the fall is wonderful, even if it isn't like traditional fall. Florida has her own wonderful way with the seasons.

That just reminded me of a comment Matthew made a couple of years ago in the middle of a blistering summer:

"Florida has four seasons...before summer, summer, after summer and Christmas"

I thought it was humorous, and I hope you and your many readers do as well!


Bonnie said...

I remember you telling us about Matthew's witty remark (anyone who knows Matthew, knows of his wit!). It was funny, and all-too-true! It has been beautiful for the past few days -- we even opened the windows last night!