Thursday, November 15, 2007

Matthew Update

Thank you so much to all who have lifted up Matthew and our family to the throne of grace. God is faithful. He has been so good to our family in the last 24 hours. The hospital was able to get Matthew on oxygen right away, and they informed us that state law requires children in intensive care to be moved to a hospital with a pediatric intensive care unit. So Matthew, accompanied by his mother, took an ambulance ride from Bartow to St. Joseph's Children's Hospital in Tampa about 3:00 this morning.

He has some sort of puncture or tear in one lung. They do not know how it happened, but it is allowing air to escape into the body cavities, puffing his body up, and not be exhaled the regular way. His face last night looked like he had gained 50 pounds instantly! They have him on 100% oxygen to heal the tear and are giving him breathing treatments for the congestion he has developed.

Katie was home a few hours today to nap and nurse Samuel. The other children are staying with various families members, and she has taken Samuel back to Tampa with her. Her inlaws are in the Tampa area and can help with Samuel when she is at the hospital.

The doctors believe it will take 5 days minimum for the tear to heal, so Matthew will most likely be in the hospital until Sunday or Monday. The trip to Tampa is usually an hour, so prayers will surely be appreciated for traveling mercies. Robert is praying he can arrange to get home for a couple of days (he is in the San Antonio TX area today). Our whole family had planned to try to go to Indiana for Thanksgiving, but that has been laid aside.

Once again, we praise the Lord for His people, the community of faith, who have taken us to their hearts and prayed for us. Thank you so much.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Thank you for posting an update, Bonnie. It sounds like he is in a good place as his body heals this tear.

Continuing to pray!

Tammy ~@~