Sunday, September 23, 2007

Future Patriarchs

R.G. with cousin Emma, who turned 1 last week.

Matthew with his 4 month old cousin William.

“Polls indicate that the typical high school male laughs at the idea of giving up his seat on a lifeboat to help a woman or child. In a society that promotes “survival of the fittest,” aborts its young, and thrives on androgyny, this should not surprise us, but it should grieve our hearts.” Doug Phillips, Vision Forum.

And it does grieve our hearts. Out and about in the culture, I am constantly amazed at the boldness and audacity of young men when it comes to brashness and coarseness. There seems to be no restraint and no level to which they will not stoop.

Of course, the world does not understand that this overt behavior is simply the outworking of evolutionary thinking – if there is no Creator to Whom we are accountable, then why concern ourselves with acting civilly? Why let anyone restrain our behavior? Who cares about the younger ones watching our lives and learning from our examples?

Thank God, thank God for the different generation He is raising up!! What a blessing it is to see the young men in our family l-o-v-v-v-e to be with and tote around babies! As I watch the older grandsons with babies – their own siblings or the baby cousins, especially – my heart is so blessed and touched by their gentle strength. They would never disappoint the little ones by lowering their standard of discourse to that of the crude culture around them. Oh, they are boys, for sure, but they are patriarchs in the making, and they are quick to catch occasional slips. Thank God for His patient forebearance and for godly parents who are His tools to shape and mold them for the furtherance of His kingdom. God bless you, boys! You are the hope of our family for the future!!


Tammy said...

What special pictures, Bonnie!

I've so enjoyed seeing my older boys interact with their younger siblings through the years, especially when those siblings were babies :-) And what a joy to be at my older son's home right now and watch him interact with his sweet daughter. He's such a good daddy!

Someday you'll be watching all those grandsons lovin' their youngins...and don't we know it will happen in the blink of an eye!

Tammy ~@~

The Graves Family said...

Amen, Mrs. Frodge. There is nothing left to say!!! God bless all you older boys...we love you!!
Tracy Graves

Unknown said...

It IS precious to watch baby Emma with all her "boyfriends" - as we like to joke! I love to see the boys fight over who gets to hold her!

Those pictures are so beautiful. Thank you for putting them up there! Your insight about the evolutionary mindset is right on. We appreciate your wisdom so much.