Thursday, November 30, 2006

Yummm . . . or is it??

Hmmm, what a mental conflict! I stopped by daughter B's house today (just around the corner on our country road) and was presented with a still warm loaf of wonderful, fresh ground, baked, and sliced whole wheat bread. When I got home, there was nothing for it but to have a slice . . . or two . . . It was incredibly delicious! One slice with butter and raw cheese, one with butter and raw honey. What a treat!How can I feel negative about such a delight? Well, I am at the end of my prescriptions and must see our old family doctor tomorrow. He has been "after you for years, lady, to lose that weight", said in his stern, grandfatherly voice. I have been slowly making progress and was feeling pretty confident about tomorrow until . . . When I weighed this morning, I had actually lost a moderate amount since last visit -- but bread, even good, nutritious bread like this is a downfall! Well, I will just have to be thankful for the wonderful treat and see what tomorrow brings. My weight is a significant factor in my many health woes, so losing it must be a priority, but wholesome bread baked with love just has to be okay! How about you? Do you have "downfalls" and challenges? What is the Lord speaking to you about in your personal life?

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