SNOW! Our family traveled from Florida and Arkansas at Christmas time to "Arkasouri", that Mysterious Land of Snow. Some of the Florida babies have never seen snow (even some 18 year olds), so we thank the Master of the Wind and Waves for His bountiful provision! Enter with us . . .
And Sarah, who got up early to be the first out in the snow.
You would find exciting adventures, instigated by Uncle Jay, who provided equipment and scraps for boys to turn into fun!
Snow Angels Rosie and Rachel enjoy the result of creativity -- an improvised toboggan pulled by the 4-wheeler.
What a great time for fun with cousins you don't get to see too often! Daniel and Sarah see what the 4 wheeler does on the snow. Obviously, Floridians did not have snow equipment to bring along (especially since we didn't really expect snow!). BUT BEWARE!! Who knows what lurks in the snows of Arkasouri . . .
Is it?? The Yeti, the Abominable Snowman?? A lost terrorist?? Oh, it's just Uncle Jay, who has lived here a few months and is prepared for working outdoors. Hmmm, what is he getting ready to do???
ACCKKKK!! Poor Sarah!! That throwing arm was more powerful than I remembered!! Actually, Granddaddy took the picture just as she ducked! Well-played, Sarah!
Indiana-born Danny hasn't forgot his snowball-fighting form! No one wanted to be the recipient of Granddaddy's hardball!