Well, the day had to arrive, pray as we did that it never would! On Monday, the Miller family left our snug little community in the heart of Florida for the hills of north Arkansas. A caravan of several trucks and vans went first to the hunt camp in N. FL to pick up a small cabin which will be placed on the Arkansas property. Then off they went, likely looking like what my mother would call "Okies" (a reference to the "Grapes of Wrath" book from the Great Depression -- no aspersions cast, Oklahomans!). I think today we would probably say it was a caravan of Beverly Hillbillies! Well, there was much to take, so you do what you have to!
How blessed we and the Millers are to have precious friends who love to step in and help! The whole Pollock family is going along to help with the move, and their contribution will be significant. They are bringing their big truck and their van to pull trailers and lend their expertise in heavy work. Thank you, Pollocks!
By now, they have arrived at the new property, and are looking over their new "Promised Land". Please, just don't forget the sad hearts you left behind! Thank you, Lord, for your mercy and grace to help in time of need! Godspeed, and may we meet again soon.
The perfect title, for taht is how we all feel! It is oh-so sad to drive past that empty house. No Excursions with doors left open, no Joey's and Andrews in the tree-house...
But, how exciting it is that the Lord has provided a way for them to be closer to their Daddy! We will truly miss them, but I am praying that the day will come when we will all be together again. In a different state but... :)
Love Always,
Oh, boy! I thought I was doing good until I read this post from my Mama's heart. Tears are coming down now. Precious Millers, we will miss you all!!! We know God's plans are perfect and we can sure rest in that!
Aunt Beth
We love and are praying for you all. How is Susan??
The Lains
We think the same thing driving past the empty Miller house :(
No Benny riding his bike, or the little boys in the treehouse. No Sammy coming out to meet us.
We miss them so much already. I miss sitting on my porch with Katie on a lazy Sunday afternoon watching the children play in the sunshine.
*Sigh* That is all.
Aunt Molly
Oh boy, do I feel your pain. I'm crying with y'all. I'm crying a lot lately and my daughter is only in Lakeland. kids growing up and leaving really stinks, but if they didn't we would never have grandchildren one day. I'll be praying for y'all.
Thanks to you all for your sweet comments, commiserations, and sympathies! We finally talked to Katie voice-to-voice tonight and I am posting about it in a minute. God is faithful, even when we get into our little self-pity parties! Thank you, Lord.
Well, I finally get to be online! We are visiting Robert's aunt and enjoying civilization! Thanks to all for their prayers and love. We miss every one so much, too. But we are so excited in this new adventure we are on. We will try and keep everyone up to date!
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