This evening, we had a gathering of the Harrises who were in the vicinity. That is my family. Our three daughters and families were there, including one son-in-law who has just come home from weeks on the road. Thank you, Lord! (Our son and his family have had to travel to his wife's hometown to be with her family during an illness.) My brother brought three of his grandchildren, and my sister's family was well represented. And of course we were all blessed when my beautiful mother was able to be there, after spending the day ministering to my father in the VA. It was a lovely evening together, just for fellowship. We don't live far from each other, but we don't always make the time to fellowship among the larger family. This was one of those good times!
We couldn't help but be aware of so many babies right now! For a while it seemed that our grandchildren were basically growing up, but in the last year or so, we have been blessed with 4 grandbabies. Then tonight when the extended family was together, we just had to take a picture of all the babies! (and moms, without which some babies wouldn't hold still long enough for a picture!)
There were the usual stories and remembering, the children playing outside (from babies all the way up to the 18 year old -- hey, we are different -- our teens love to run and play! Well, in the right way and at the right time, anyway!) We celebrated Margaret Anne's birthday and enjoyed the other children's joy and anticipation as they watched her open their gifts. Danny took the grandnieces out to see baby chicks and help feed the cows their hay. Another golden day at Dayspring Farm. Thank you, Lord, for your amazing blessings on our family.