Sunday, July 8, 2007

(I cannot seem to get the "title" bar to work -- I would have titled this "Here is Love")

This is Mary. Mary works hard at the violin. And the fiddle. Yes, Mary takes and plays classical violin, and she also likes to "fiddle". She experiments with harmonies and is getting pretty good at it! Right now, she isn't first fiddle in the cousins' group, but she is working hard at getting there, and she is featured in a couple of songs they regularly perform.

Mary's biggest hang-up is being shy about her talent -- she would rather work in the background, just basking in being part of the group. But we are so blessed that she is starting to share her talents out front. Today, there was no special music for the church service, so her mother and I asked her if she would consider playing something she has been working on. She started to hesitate, but then she took the plunge and said, "Yes ma'am." Gracie agreed to play harmony mandolin in the background, and I told her I would accompany her on the piano. She chose to play "Here Is Love", a beautiful mountain song about the Savior's love for us, wide as an ocean, and His mercy and perfect justice. The Lord used that song to bless so many, including her grandmother.

Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to participate with another generation, line by line, precept by precept, here a little, there a little, going through the incremental steps of growing in grace. Thank you for sweet Mary and the molding and refining you are doing in her life. What a precious treasure, these times!

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