(That's my cowboy, above, at the Golden Pear dining room in the cute little town of Mayo, Florida)
What a sweet word! Home! We came in last night about 11 p.m. after a long hard drive down through Georgia. What a blessing my cozy bed is! We decided to come down through Georgia because I had found some acreage on ebay, and Danny wanted to try and look at it. The seller never contacted us, so we were left with only clues from the listing.
We attended a church in Hawkinsville GA, which is where the property is hidden from public view (TIC). The pastor’s message was a Biblical encouragement to us, but we found ourselves thanking the Lord for our little fellowship. I guess it is the way everyone feels when visiting a church. Thank God, He draws us to worship Him in the way He sovereignly chooses.
After driving the back roads a while, we recognized that we were near where my daddy was born and grew up during the Depression, so we set out to find it. Find it we did. Hatley, Georgia, is just a spot in the road, and we had no way of ascertaining where the family homestead had been. My grandparents had a large acreage (to sustain their large family of 12 children) and farmed cotton and peanuts through the Depression. Daddy told about his mother and father’s hospitality to those of all races who were struggling during that hard, hard time.
As we drove the side roads, I could just see him and his younger brother traipsing across the fields, calling the milk cows in at the end of the day (that was their job on the farm). It was a nice side trip. Maybe someday, my elderly Aunt Mary Lee will let us look at all the family history she has compiled. We might be able to get a better idea of the location then.
We were met by several sweet grandchildren when we got home, and found out that the little calf born to Cocoa on Saturday had died Sunday afternoon or evening. How sad! Cocoa is our Herd Mama, the oldest. And she is the best mama. She has never had a problem calving. Eddie says the calf was frolicking on Saturday, but yesterday was laying limp by the barn. All we can assume is that it got stepped on by a large cow, or maybe the bull.
Pepper’s and Truffles’ calves died during birth earlier in the month, so this is three this season. That is not good. I think Danny is going to try and test our soil and water and see what may be going on.
The grandchildren had a couple of casual performances while we were gone – they said they didn’t do well without me, but I think that is just their way of making their grandmother feel needed. Anything will be appreciated today – it is my 60th birthday!
Well, we have enough fishing lines in the pond. Now to wait on the Lord and see what develops with property! Right now, I am just grateful to be back on our wonderful little 33 acres. Thank you, Lord.
We attended a church in Hawkinsville GA, which is where the property is hidden from public view (TIC). The pastor’s message was a Biblical encouragement to us, but we found ourselves thanking the Lord for our little fellowship. I guess it is the way everyone feels when visiting a church. Thank God, He draws us to worship Him in the way He sovereignly chooses.
After driving the back roads a while, we recognized that we were near where my daddy was born and grew up during the Depression, so we set out to find it. Find it we did. Hatley, Georgia, is just a spot in the road, and we had no way of ascertaining where the family homestead had been. My grandparents had a large acreage (to sustain their large family of 12 children) and farmed cotton and peanuts through the Depression. Daddy told about his mother and father’s hospitality to those of all races who were struggling during that hard, hard time.
As we drove the side roads, I could just see him and his younger brother traipsing across the fields, calling the milk cows in at the end of the day (that was their job on the farm). It was a nice side trip. Maybe someday, my elderly Aunt Mary Lee will let us look at all the family history she has compiled. We might be able to get a better idea of the location then.
We were met by several sweet grandchildren when we got home, and found out that the little calf born to Cocoa on Saturday had died Sunday afternoon or evening. How sad! Cocoa is our Herd Mama, the oldest. And she is the best mama. She has never had a problem calving. Eddie says the calf was frolicking on Saturday, but yesterday was laying limp by the barn. All we can assume is that it got stepped on by a large cow, or maybe the bull.
Pepper’s and Truffles’ calves died during birth earlier in the month, so this is three this season. That is not good. I think Danny is going to try and test our soil and water and see what may be going on.
The grandchildren had a couple of casual performances while we were gone – they said they didn’t do well without me, but I think that is just their way of making their grandmother feel needed. Anything will be appreciated today – it is my 60th birthday!
Well, we have enough fishing lines in the pond. Now to wait on the Lord and see what develops with property! Right now, I am just grateful to be back on our wonderful little 33 acres. Thank you, Lord.
happy birthday!
Welcome home and Happy birthday!!!!!
Thanks, y'all! It has been a pleasant day. Katie called and asked us down for dinner, and Beth and her family came by with cake -- actually, I had 3 birthday cakes.
Beth's girls entered cakes in the Youth Fair today, and brought them back after the tasting. They all got good ribbons but no tri-colors. Markie made a lemon pound cake, which she knew I love!! Sarah made a rich buttermilk chocolate, and Gracie made a deep chocolate. Kitty didn't enter one this year. They were all so delicious!
Beth's family gave me a big bucket of tomato seedlings and a big bucket of green pepper seedlings.
Molly and Chris had a water birth class scheduled, so their family wasn't able to be there, but they called and said happy birthday. I'll see them tomorrow. Anyway, it was a lovely day. Thanks again for the sweet felicitations.
a little late, but Happy Birthday, Bonnie!!
tWell I can assure you all that the children do much better on their performances WITH their Grandmother! Last night was big performance and tomorrow is another one - so we are really glad to have her home for that reason among others :)
DD Beth
Oh, Happy Belated Birthday!
Thank you for the nice comment, Bonnie! So blessed with all those grandchildren! Yes, amazing how few ‘programs’ are really needed to aid society. If we’d just live as we ought, that’s evangelism enough!
Have a lovely week,
Mrs. L
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