Wednesday, May 23, 2007


That’s what I was saying a couple months ago when I looked around my house and found . . . google eyes!! Everywhere!! Grandson Matthew found a small packet of “google eyes” with self adhesive backs in my sewing/craft room one day. He (trusting in his knowledge of Grandmother’s sense of humor) proceeded to place them here and there in surprising locations around the house – on the fridge, inside cabinet doors, under shelf ledges, on mirrors, behind curtains, on the ceiling, etc. Not obvious, but not hidden either – kind of “hiding in plain view”. Well, we chuckled for a few days, then I asked him to take them down, which he willingly but reluctantly did.

Now it is months later and, Boo! One pops up in an unexpected place! The one above is over the key rack in the kitchen. I think it got overlooked because it just blended in or something. But I decided to leave it there – for a reason. When I was finding them here and there, they reminded me, every single time, that “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.” (Prov. 15:3)

One of my favorite studies in the Word is the fear of the Lord. There are, of course, consequences for turning a blind eye to the proper fear of the Lord, but oh, how many wonderful blessings! Do a search on the phrase “fear of the Lord” or “those who fear Him”, and see the blessings He pours out on those who fear Him. Why, did you know there is even a book of remembrance being written in Heaven for those who fear Him and think on His name?

Somewhere, years ago, I read and clasped to my heart this definition of the fear of the Lord: “The constant awareness that I am in the presence of a holy God, and that I will give account to Him of every word, deed, and thought.” In our Bible studies together, the grandchildren and I have added “and attitude” to that definition.

Google eyes popping up unexpectedly are a visible reminder. His eyes are over the whole earth, even my kitchen. He further promises that His eyes are over the righteous and His ears are open to their cries. (Psalm 34:15) What a blessing! What a benefit! If we walk in His righteousness, we can know that He is providentially watching on our behalf, and He is listening for our cries – what a precious promise from our wise Heavenly Father! Thank you, Lord, for silly little reminders of your faithfulness!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautifully put Grandmama!!
You have such wisdom and insight.
Love Always,