The children are watching a Gene Autry movie on the dvd player in the Stricklens' RV, and the potty and fridge are handy -- how much more convenient can you get!! Much as I love old times, modern times sure have their upside!
We had a wonderful visit with my Aunt Joyce and her family in Huntsville AL. They fixed us a delicious lunch, and Margaret Anne, Callie, and Mary treated them to some musical numbers. We had such sweet fellowship in the Lord, learning about how my cousin Denise and her husband are preparing to move to Germany to be permanent missionaries there, and praying for each other's "ailments".
Our next stop was supposed to be a visit with Mrs. Jennie Chancey and her family. Her websites are Ladies Against Feminism and Sense and Sensibility patterns. She and Mrs. Stacey McDonald have recently published a wonderful, encouraging book, "Passionate Housewives Desperate for God". Mrs. Chancey has just recovered from a head cold, and the timing of our visit would have coincided with their family busy evening time. Although she insisted it would be fine, Danny and I felt it would be prudent to reschedule -- and we will, Lord willing!
We are going through Birmingham now and on our way to visit with the Lains in Graceville FL. What a sweet family! They are always so willing to be hospitable and love to have us stop by. Then on to home, sweet home! Molly called a bit ago and said that they arrived at the Orlando airport right on time and were heading home -- she flew home with Chris, Abby, CJ, and baby William and left Callie, Mary, Margaret Anne, and Andrew to ride home with Grandmother and Granddaddy in the RV. It has been a wonderful, though exhausting, trip. Thanks for your continued prayers on our behalf as we make the last leg. Hope to be back to updating soon!